I'm starting with lunch today, because this morning was uneventful. I wanted something healthy! I had bought some spinach wraps and I thought it should be stuffed with veggies!! I spread Spinach and Artichoke hummus on it, so yummy! Then I loaded it up with, romaine lettuce, grape tomatoes, cucumber and avocado. It hit the spot.
After lunch, I finished laundry from yesterday. (And two weeks ago! :) I filled out this extensive application, for a student committee at school. I hope I can get it! It is about spread a message about healthy living, through various activities, and I've been looking for that exact opportunity. Fingers crossed, I should know by September 4th if I get an interview...eek!
Finally, about 5 p.m. I got off my but and worked out! I just did thirty minutes on the stationary bike today. I was still a little sore from yesterday! I went ten miles, and it says I burned three hundred thirty-six calories! It felt good. Then, it was time for dinner. 
Couscous, with a variety of veggies. I sauteed them in olive oil and lemon juice. It was soo tasty!! There is zucchini, tomatoes, onions and Parmesan cheese! Very tasty! I'm off to the movies with my mom and Lorissa! Finally, going to see Eat, Pray,Love! Looking forward to some Kettle Corn!! MMM...
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